Pajama Party

You say puh-jam-ah, I say puh-jom-ah

Actually, I say it the first way, but that’s not important.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear blog readers, I had the most fantastic Saturday. You see, with the exception of camping, John and I have never allowed Béni to share a bed with us. However, we do enjoy cuddling with our sweet puppy and have been wanting some more Béni cuddle time. Since I still did not want to start the habit of allowing Béni into our bed, we decided to have a slumber party with our dog on Saturday night.

Being the wimpy old farts that we are, we moved the top mattress from our bed into the living room as our “sleeping bag.” We got super comfy and watched Anchorman while eating the most fantastic flavor of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream: Chunky Monkey. According to the Ben & Jerry’s website, Chunky Monkey is banana ice cream with fudge chunks and walnuts. Banana ice cream? If you’re like us, you’re thinking “blech, that doesn’t sound too good.” However, if Chunky Monkey and Phish Food are the only two flavors left in the store on the night of your family pajama party, you’ll buy one of each just for the heck of it. I’m so glad we got it. Confession: we bought a second pint when we went to the grocery store last night. It’s that good. It’s kind of like when I tried a Take 5 candy bar for the first time a couple weeks ago, which has left me wondering “how have I been missing this in my life?”

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Phish Food flavor, it, too, is fantastic. Ben & Jerry’s describes it as chocolate ice cream with gooey marshmallow, caramel swirls and fudge fish. I think of it like Rocky Road but better.

So, where was I? Oh yeah, ice cream and Anchorman. We also gave Béni some “ice cream.” The store has these froze ice cream-like dog treats. We have only given one to Béni once before (a month or so ago), and since Saturday was a big treat night, he got another.

After Anchorman ended, we watched Hairspray (I’m a sucker for musicals) and had some popcorn and German beer.

(I did not in any way say this night was healthy!)

We wrapped up the night with an episode of 30 Rock.

It took Béni some getting used to in order to realize it was ok for him to stay on the bed with us. He was super sweet all night and rotated between lying between John and me and lying at our feet. So sweet!

So, that was my fabulous Saturday. I know it’s Tuesday now, and it’s a bit late to ask about how your weekend was, but I still want to know. How was your weekend?



  1. We were actually having the pajama debate this weekend. I say PajAma. That’s why they had that show “Bananas in pajamas”… You can’t have bananas in pajomas! That’s just wrong.

  2. how sweet!! literally – I almost started drooling thinking about all that ice cream. 🙂

  3. Chunky Monkey = awesome. Take 5 = awesome. It sounds like you’ve had an eventful last couple of weeks when it comes to being introduced to amazing desserts!

    FWIW, I say puh-jah-mas. I think we could avoid the problem if we just said PJs.

    • I sure have! I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on these treats. I blame it on the fact that I used to only crave salty things, so I didn’t eat candy/sweets much. However, since I married John, aka Mr. SweetTooth, all that has changed.

  4. what a fun time. just goes to show ya that a fun time isn’t all about spending a ton o money.
    we have three weiner dogs that pack heat like no other. one will lay at the bottom of the bed but the two others are snugglers. and after a couple of hours, you can’t stand the heat anymore. we allow minor cuddling, then it’s off to the crate for the three to snuggle together!!
    my weekend was hard. processing, leading and learning. teen suicide is never a fun ride, but we are seeing our Lord at work, so all is good.

  5. I’ve been horrible at keeping up with blogs, but I’m making an effort to get back into it (and maybe start writing again in some form at some point, since I totally gave up on my LJ!). So, hi again!

    This sounds like such a perfect way to spend a night…and I need to check out chunky monkey! I just bought the fro-yo version of Ben & Jerry’s cherry garcia and it didn’t disappoint.

    • Hi, Clare! Good to hear from you.

      I guess I’m behind the times. I didn’t know Ben & Jerry’s had frozen yogurt. They don’t sell it here, so we’ll have to check it out next time we’re in the States.

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