We’ll Go Down to El Arroyo, Have Some Tacos & Beer…

While we were in Austin, we did not in fact go to El Arroyo as Pat Green suggests in his song. However, we did thoroughly enjoy our time there.

We started off Friday by meeting one of my former roommates at Curra’s for lunch and avocado margaritas. If you haven’t had an avocado margarita, you need to. They are simply delicious!

After lunch, we had some quick shopping to do (tie & shirt for John’s suit for the wedding on Saturday) before heading to tom & Katy’s rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Katy was so cute at her rehearsal – she cried while walking down the aisle! It almost made me cry. The rehearsal went well, and then everyone headed out to Lake Travis to eat at The Oasis. If you haven’t been out there, the view is fantastic. This time the view was also informative — Lake Travis is uber low. Central Texas needs more rain now. I really couldn’t believe how dry everything was, especially in San Antonio. Not just grass, but trees were dying due to lack of water. Yikes.

While in Austin, we were also able to meet up with one of my other former roommates, Jill, and get acquainted with her boyfriend, James. We met up at a wine bar downtown called Cork & Co. It was really nice to be able to catch up with both of these former roommates and get to meet James (finally)!

Saturday was Tom & Katy’s wedding, but before we got into wedding festivities, we had lunch with my brother, Chelsea, Stephen and Veronica at Trudy’s. Chelsea and Stephen drove all the way from Houston that weekend so we could all hang out, how awesome is that? Anyway, we all had a great time and made plans to hopefully see each other later. John and I left to go see Andrew’s apartment. He’s living in the same complex I lived in my senior year in college. It was weird to be back there!

We could only stay for a few minutes, because we had to get back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding, which started at 4:30! We made it there by 4 PM and got the seats we wanted — I was a reader, so I needed to be on the end of a pew. When it came time for me to read, I got insanely nervous. My hands were sweaty and my hands were shaking so bad. It’s a good thing I’m not a public speaker! I had hoped that I wouldn’t get so nervous seeing as how I’d chosen to read some of the same verses that were read at our wedding (and which are inscribed in our wedding bands — the verse name, not the whole written verses), but it didn’t work out that way.

The reception was held at the same place at which I had my bridal portraits taken, Laguna Gloria, and I just love the gorgeous setting of the venue. It was a bit warm, but nothing these Texans couldn’t fix with a little wine and beer. Unfortunately, John and I had to leave during the first dance…

Ya see…uh…well…the other two girls in the house party wanted me to sit on the lawn with them and take a photo. As I sat down, the side zipper on my Ann Taylor LOFT dress busted. Thank goodness for the clasp at the top of the dress, otherwise, my dress would have fallen completely off. It was incredibly embarrassing, but all I could do at the time was laugh. We tried to fix it, but the zipper was done for, so we had to leave. We intended to make it back to the hotel, change and come back. Unfortunately, I discovered didn’t really have anything wedding-worthy to wear. Besides, it was almost an hour round trip if we had gone back, and so we would have gotten back between 8:30 and 9, which was a bit late.

Since our evening plans had gotten changed, we decided to make the best of it and head over to Jake & Veronica’s house. We had a great time there hanging out with old friends from my church community group. I love having good friends that can spend months apart and still come together to hang out like no time has passed. Truly — Jake, Veronica, Stephen, Chelsea, Eric, Christine and James — we loved hanging out with y’all, and we’re so thankful for y’alls friendship!

And without further ado, here’s the first installment of photos from our trip. The photos in this slide show are all from Tom & Katy’s wedding in Austin:

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  1. looks like a spectacular place for a reception. was it terribly hot for an outdoor reception?? i LOVE, love, love the cake!! absolutely stunning!!

    beautiful pictures, too. you rock!

    • Yes, it was a great place. The setting right htere on the lake is beautiful!

      It was really hot, however. I believe it was about 102 by the time the reception started. (Yuck.) My hair had been down earlier and I was wearing a little shrug, but once we left the church, I had to lose the shrug and throw my hair up in a ponytail.

      And thanks for the compliment on the photos. I wish I could have used an SLR, but mine is broken and I don’t know when we’ll have the money to get a new one. Until then, I’m perfecting shots with the ol’ point-and shoot 🙂

  2. We are so glad we got to see yall – multiple times! It was a good trip!

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