We’ve Been Wrong

Monkeys are smarter than humans. I’ve been opening bananas wrong my whole life. See the video below and tell me that DOESN’T blow your mind.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.848244&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

As a side note, my husband just put a whole raw egg (uncracked) in Béni’s mouth and said “bring it to mama.” Our house is never dull.

PS No, he didn’t break it.

– Sarah


  1. now my life is complete!! i can’t wait to show off tomorrow morning!!

    • I hope it worked well for you. I tried it for the first time this morning. Unfortunately, they banene wasn’t ripe enough, so after a taste, I had to toss it out.

  2. I tried this a few weeks ago because I heard you don’t get strings on the banana if you open it that way. Alas, I got strings. :/

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