Painting the Town Red (White and Blue)

I wanted to write an extravagant post today complete with pictures, but due to yet another dishwasher malfunctioning and craziness at work, I’m settling for just ANY post on here.

If you’re not keeping score, here’s our record of broken appliances since our move three weeks ago:
washer – 1
dryer – 1
oven – 2 (broken once, but 2 separate things were wrong with it)
dishwasher – 2
portable A/Cs – 3 massive water leaks on our floor, ruining the hardwood in 2 different rooms

So that just leaves the refrigerator, which does have a cracked shelf, but I’m not worried about it right now. I just hope the whole fridge doesn’t break!



We have had a lot of really great things happening lately too. Last week, Eric & Christine stopped by Heidelberg at the end of their vacation in Germany. We got the opportunity to show them where we live and share a little about our life over here while catching up with them. We even took them to the Kaffeehaus for dinner!

Also, about two weeks ago, we got to take Béni to go swimming for the first time. He LOVED it. Did I already post about this? I feel like I did. Sorry if this is a repeat. Anyway, we took him again on Saturday, and he had a great time again. That boy was definitely born to swim. (Really, labs are swimmers. They have webbed feet and they have an “otter tail”.)

Saturday was a big day — yes, it was the 4th of July and we could have stayed on post for fireworks, but we didn’t. We did our own thing. We started the day by taking Béni on the Straßenbahn (street car) downtown to the Hauptstraße (main street). We went in a few stores including Starbucks and Galeria Kaufhof (a department store). For lunch, John made hamburgers. After lunch, we took Béni to go swimming, and for dinner, John and I tried an excellent French restaurant called Hugo (the site is in German, but you get the idea). More on the restaurant tomorrow.

We decided to be wild and crazy and actually stay out past 8 PM, and ended up having a great time. We hung out in Altstadt (the old part of the city) at O’Reilly’s, which is an average Irish pub. We ended up walking down to the river afterward and stumbled across a fun little soul concert. I’m glad we stayed out “late!” We tried to go to a jazz club afterward, but the place looked kind of sketchy and no bands were playing that evening, so we finally headed home (still before midnight). It was a very happy and fun-filled 4th of July!

Sorry for the play-by-play style post. I am beat. Speaking of, it’s 8:45 PM, and we’re headed to bed. Too lame? Oh well.

– Sarah

One Comment

  1. you crazy thing, staying up past 8:30!!

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