If You Can’t Stand the Heat

If you can’t stand the heat, maybe you’ve been out of Texas too long. You thought I was going to say “get out of the kitchen,” didn’t you?

Sadly, I fear I’m losing some of my Texan blood. I get hot when it’s 85 out. Come on, 85 used to be “cool” summer weather.

Sunday, we went to get the car washed, and when we got home, we discovered the hard water at the automatic car wash had left water spots all over our car. It almost looked worse than before the wash — we hadn’t washed the car since March, which is why I said almost. We’re not messy people, I swear. It’s just hard to have motivation to wash your car when it rains every other day.

Anyway — so we see the water spots and groan. I don’t know if this is awful for the paint or not, but we ended up getting Lime Away and scrubbing the car down section by section. After each part we completed, we would rinse the car with water and then dry with a chamois. Before Sunday, I didn’t know that’s how “chamois” was spelled, but after realizing this and trying to pronounce it to rhyme with “armoire,” I finally understand how the name “Sham Wow” may or may not have come about.

That was a tangent. Sorry.

So John and I traded off rinsing the car, and the other person would come inches behind the sponge with the chamois to dry the car, because if not, the water would evaporate. That’s right, evaporate. 

Maybe it’s a good thing we’ve had this heat wave recently, though. John and I are about to be experiencing the triple digit weather in Texas. It’s supposed to get up to 100 tomorrow in San Antonio, which is actually the coolest it’s been in awhile. Never mind the 108 heat index…yikes.

So for now, I will enjoy this “hot” German weather. I will pretend that we’re already in Texas, and I will try to soak up these clear, sunny days. Fall is approaching far too rapidly for my liking and with it comes the omnipresent gray, drizzly fall-winter German weather…double yikes.



  1. Weather has quickly moved into the top two or three things I HAVE to consider before deciding if a location is somewhere I’d want to move to. Too much grayness makes me depressed…I don’t think I could handle Germany. Give me sunshine, the occasional thunderstorm, comfortable springs and autumns, and short, mild winters and I am a happy camper. Wait a second, I just described TEXAS! 🙂

    • Yeah, I actually think we get a bit of seasonal depressoin here. There’s just no sun and it gets dark (as in the sun actually sets) around 4 PM in the middle of winter. The sun comes up around 8:30 or 9 too. It’s no fun, but I will say that when spring comes, it’s an increidbly euphoric feeling. This past spring I had no idea how down I’d been until the flowers started blooming and the sun starting coming out.

      I can’t wait to get back to Texas!

  2. it’s funny how the weather influences our moods. or works its way into many conversations!!
    here in knoxville, we have had our coolest, rainiest julys in recent memory. after two summers of scorching heat and zero rain, it’s a blessing to have rain. but we’ve had almost more than our share, and the gloomy skies i’m afraid have outworn their welcome. i’m ready for some sun. we had only one day of 90 degree weather this july. unheard of!! but i’m enjoying the cooler temperatures. it’s fun to actually get out and enjoy july without melting.
    i’m glad you are having some summer to enjoy before the grayness of winter arrives. store up that emotional sunshine for later!

    • I can see how that would be a nice respite from the heat! And I will remember to soak it all this sunshine and heat up to store it for the dreary winter days.

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