Two Weekends of Travel – Check!

We are back from Paris and are settling in again at home. It was great to travel for the past two weekends, but we’re both glad to be back at home getting back into the groove of things. That also means getting back into the regular blog posts (yay! I have so much to tell everyone!), so without further ado…


It’s “Not Me!” Monday (happening a little later than usual), which is a chance for everyone to be brutally honest about what they have not been doing this week. MckMama normally posts her own “Not Me!” Monday at My Charming Kids, where you can see what others have not been up to this week but her post is on a Memorial Day weekend break this week. Since I did (not do) some silly things this week, I still wanted to share!

I did not eat crème brûlée for dessert two nights in a row. That is not healthy and certainly not something I would do – even when on vacation.

I did not break down in tears when the mean French man kicked us out of line at the catacombs because they were closing. Who kicks people out of lines at museums? And for that matter, who cries at not getting to see dead people?

Finally, I did not break down and buy an iPhone today. Nope, not me. I have been strongly opposed to spending our money on an iPhone, and there’s no way I caved and bought one today.


I can’t wait to continue my Amsterdam post and tell y’all about our Paris trip. How was your weekend? Did you do anything special to commemorate Memorial Day?

– Sarah


  1. i missed you over the weekend! hope you had a blast in paris! it’s been ten years since we were there. i enjoyed every minute. especially the car we rented and drove through the bourgogne region. soooo beautiful. and the bed n breakfast places are heavenly!
    did you take beni with you?
    can’t wait to see amsterdam pt. 2!
    quiet weekend here planting flowers and getting caught up after a busy last two weeks. getting ready to work out then it’s off to have 1/2 price sushi!! (nothing says memorial day like sushi, right?)

    • Thanks, we had a wonderful time!

      I can only imagine how beautiful it was when you all went there 10 years ago. We thought the regions we drove through (Lorraine and one other…can’t remember) were so picturesque.

      We didn’t take Beni with us. It would have been too hard to find places for him to go to the bathroom. Also, we didn’t want to have to be concerned with coming back to our hotel every 4 hours to let him out.

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