The Rain

My bit of nostalgia for today (since it is Nostalgic Friday and all) has to do with things I’m missing from back home.

I really miss seeing those huge thunderhead clouds rolling in. The ones that you see and know your car needs to be protected from hail. The ones that you love to sit and watch from the comfort of your home. The storms that roll through late at night and lull you to sleep with pelting rain and cracks of thunder. I freaking looooove thunderstorms.

My parents told me that when I was little (about 2 years old), I would stand up in my crib late at night during storms and say “it’s naining” (raining) over and over.

I’ve always loved storms.

If you haven’t been able to tell, I also love severe weather in general. My parents have also told me that I would frequently shriek “it’s suh-beer!” (severe) when bad weather was rolling through town.

The beep-beep-beep on the network TV stations, which altered us to flood watches/warnings, torando watches/warnings, etc. was also a noise that I thought was incredibly exciting.

Since I cannot stop thinking about how much I’d love to sit at home listening to a thunderstorm, the best I can do is to reminisce and post these pictures from July 2007:

Clouds moving in

Clouds moving in


Getting darker...

Getting darker...

The next day's result: large amounts of water in the drainage area behind my old apartment

The next day's result: large amounts of water in the drainage area behind my old apartment

PS When I was little, I wanted to be a meteorologist when I grew up.

– Sarah


  1. i love when it rains too..well when i can stay in and snuggle underneath the covers..not when i have to go out into it =p

    • True, going out in the rain can be scary. Besides, I really don’t like it when my jeans get wet and then soak the water up to knee-level. Gross.

  2. you can tell you come from someplace where you can see the sky! (not that we can’t, but it’s very green here. . . lots of trees, hills, etc. and you just can’t see the whole sky here like you can out west. i’ll admit. it’s pretty cool)
    i love good thunderstorm too, but i’d have to say i enjoy them when it’s at night or on a day when i don’t have to be out in one. slogging around in the rain = not so much fun.
    have a great day, and maybe you’ll get a good soaking!

    • Ah, yes, I love the clear Texas sky 🙂

      Unfortunately, there’s no rain forecast here for at least the next week, and it seems that whenever we DO get rain in the summer, it’s never a thunderstorm. Nevertheless, I won’t stop hoping for one!

  3. I love storms but not the storms we’ve been having recently. I like calming storms… not storms that make you think that your house is about to float away!

  4. I really miss storms too!! There are so few here. You can see them coming from a looooooong way in Iowa!

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