
I didn’t know hodgepodge was one word. Interesting.

I’m feeling pretty random today, and I didn’t prepare the post I had wanted to write so you’re stuck with my random thoughts for the day.

  • I have been having issues with really dry, red, itchy skin. It’s not pretty at all. I’m not sure if it’s because of an allergy or something else, but if it’s an allergy, I’m worried. Only two things have changed in the past 4-6 weeks: spring pollens and Béni. Please…I do not want to be allergic to our dog.
  • Oh, and in response to a couple comments we’ve gotten since we brought Béni home, we have to carry him up and down the stairs until he’s 6-7 months old. It has to do with their hips. It’s bad, especially in larger breeds, for puppies to walk up and down stairs, jump onto and off of furniture, etc. until their hips are fully developed.
  • I might have gotten a speeding ticket for going 5 km/hr over the speed limit this afternoon. (5 km per hour is like 3.1 mph) The reason I don’t know if I got a ticket or not is because in Germany they set up random road side cameras that snap photos of unsuspecting speeders. The permanent roadside cameras flash bright enough to blind you. I passed a temporary camera and don’t know if they flash, which is why I’m not sure if I got a ticket or not. (No flash) Anyone out there know if the temporary cameras flash??
  • Béni loves tomatoes and anytime he sees us with a tomato (or a strawberry…he gets those confused), he goes bananas. You’d think we had steak. Crazy dog.
  • I miss the warmer weather. It’s been in the mid-50s and cloudy this week. That’s no way to start May! Oh, and I heard on the radio that southern Italy is supposed to have isolated thunderstorms tomorrow. I wish I could go there for the day and sit through a storm.
  • It’s just 3 months until we go to the States for a visit!
  • Our contact at the housing office says she doesn’t think we’ll get housing at the other kaserne until July or later. We’ll keep hoping for an earlier date.
  • Both John and I have been trying a plethora of new recipes lately, so stay tuned for some yummy posts (and hope I get the posts together like I was supposed to today).
  • I did, however, manage to pull together some more photos from our walk the other weekend. Check out the slideshow below. (And no, I don’t know why my camera is insisting on misreading the temperatures and tints. It’s extremely frustrating.)

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.819941&w=425&h=350&fv=host%3Dpicasaweb.google.com%26captions%3D1%26noautoplay%3D0%26RGB%3D0x000000%26feed%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpicasaweb.google.com%252Fdata%252Ffeed%252Fapi%252Fuser%252Fsarahcaroline%252Falbumid%252F5332352376567884561%253Fkind%253Dphoto%2526alt%253Drss%2526authkey%253DGv1sRgCPHsp-LWy6eFrgE]

And before I go, remember it’s Cinco de Mayo! I had forgotten but heard the date on the way to the grocery store tomorrow, so I put last night’s leftovers on hold for dinner and am making tacos, homemade salsa, guacamole and queso for dinner tonight. Hasta luego!

– Sarah


  1. wow that is alot of yellow flowers!! what kind are they??
    and i hope you’re not allergic to beni either!! have you tried an OTC hydrocortisone cream? that might help.
    thanks for telling me about the stairs! i had a lab and we had never heard that but it sure makes sense. wow as beni continues to get bigger, you have quite a load ahead of you!!
    hope you have a fantastic week!! what a cool hodgepodge of randomness!

    • Glad you liked my randomness!

      John says they’re corn fields but I’ve also heard that it’s rapeseed. Only time will tell…I’ll update you later in the season when we know for sure 🙂

      And yeah, Béni is growing fast and it’s getting harder each week to carry him up and down the stairs, which is one of the reasons why I can’t wait to move!

  2. Hey Sarah, if you guys are coming over…my sister is a nurse and an assistant to one of the doctor’s here in town. She knows a lot about allergic reactions towards animals…while she has 5 kids who ARE allergic to animals and four of them have food allergies and have eczema. So you can always get her opinion. Or otherwise you can always send me a picture prior + a story on how it happened etc. So I can ask her opinion before you guys are coming. It’s just a thought.

    Love, J

    • Thanks, Jackie! I go to the dermatologist tomorrow, so we’ll see what she says. If I still need some help when we come visit in a couple weeks, I might take you up on your offer, though.

      Also, I hope your leg is feeling better!!

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