Is it already Friday again? I can’t believe it! This past week has flown by, and with our weekends booked for the rest of the month, I have a feeling I’ll be saying the whole month flew by once June rolls around.

Steve, Lindsay, me & John B.
Since it’s Nostalgic Friday, I dug up this photo from my sorority’s formal in February 2004. It reminded me of the simpler college times and all the wonderful people I met. I’d like to introduce you to these three friends.
This was the first time I met Steve, Lindsay’s date. Steve is one of the most positive, genuine, caring and hilarious people I know. I still have a quote from him from a game night 3-4 years ago on my Facebook wall. While playing Balderdash, he defined “boontling” as “Trouble is brewing in Detroit, but Kurt Russell can help! People die! PEOPLE DIE.” Maybe you had to be there, but this guy is incredibly funny. Nowadays, Steve is working for our church back home, the Austin Stone, as an intern in refugee ministry. Last summer, he traveled to Turkey and worked on a documentary, Malatya, about the first martyrs of the Turkish Church, who were killed on April 18, 2007.
Lindsay is finishing up her final year of law school at Texas Wesleyan. Congrats, Lindsay! I wish I knew more about what was going on in her life, but between her school schedule and the craziness of our schedules over here, I haven’t heard from her in awhile.
John, my rather tall friend, is a world traveler. He’s currently in Buenos Aires, which I’m guessing is the end (or nearly the end) of his 7-month trip through Central and South America. I was keeping up with his travel blog for awhile, but he hasn’t posted since January. I’m sure he’s had a lot of interesting adventures since then! Before traveling through Central and South America, he taught English in Japan for a year and then traveled home back across Asia and Europe for several months. I found a website where he listed the Asian and European countries he’s visited, it’s amazing! He’s been to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine. His passport must be packed! Great job with all the traveling, John. I’m sure you have enough stories to last a lifetime!
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, our weekends are already planned out for the rest of this month, and I’m pumped! We have some pretty exciting things coming up.
This weekend:
- Spargel Samstag (aka Asparagus Saturday, which is a big festival in Schwetzingen, the asparagus capital of the world)
- a friend’s graduation
- Kaffeehaus Sunday (as usual)
- relaxation! perhaps a trip to the pool?
Next weekend:
- Friday-Sunday in the Netherlands visiting a friend!
Memorial day weekend:
- Friday-Monday in Paris to celebrate our 1-year anniversary (a week early, but we had to take advantage of the 4-day weekend)!
The last weekend in May:
- my graduation
- our 1-year anniversary
What exciting things do you have going on this month?
Happy Friday!
– Sarah
I just wanted to leave a comment to let you know I really enjoy reading your blog. I found your website a while back ago while I was searching for information on the Neckar River freezing this winter. My husband was born in Heidelberg (his father was military too) and we travel there as much as possible. Half of his family live in a small town called Brühl not far from Heidelberg. I’m sure you have heard of it, maybe even possibly have been there. (Trend Fabrik and Real are on the outskirts of this town). If I may make a suggestion, if you ever have a chance while living in Germany, you should visit Rothenburg. The old town still has its wall from the Middle Ages. Its kind of touristy, but I think it is definately a must see. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I enjoy reading your blog.
Stacie in NC
Thanks, Stacie! We have heard of Brühl and have only been there to go to Höffner, McDonald’s and a home & garden store there. I didn’t know there was a Real there, which might be closer than Mannheim, so thanks for that info too!
I have heard about Rothenburg and have wanted to visit, but we haven’t made time yet. Since it looks like it’s only an hour and a half away, maybe we’ll go one Saturday this summer. It looks like a neat historical place to see!
what a fun thing to dig up an old photo (i am totally not that brave) and reminsce about old friends (not that they’re old. .. .oh well, you get the point). so awesome to take advantage of singleness and travel and serve and see the world. so great to not just live in our little american box and expect the world to revolve around us, right??
traveling and serving in hard places makes me so thankful for the blessings i have here!!
asparagus festival sounds really interesting. i love asparagus!
i think it’s also great that you get to take advantage of the proximity of cool places and take the time to see them. how many americans get to go to ding-dang paris on their first anniversary??
hope you have a great time there and enjoying all the other things going on in may.
for us, our time is a whirlwind of proms, graduation activities and at the end of the month we are heading to the university of alabama for orientation followed (immediately) by a trip out to denver to visit relatives and drop in for a few days to visit boy wonder who is serving for a month at young life’s frontier ranch.
pretty much can’t wait!!
Thanks! I hope y’all have a great month too!
And man, a month at a YL camp…that sounds awesome.