Tricky Tricky

With the weather warming up, John and I have noticed something: the 50s are a tricky temperature range. If it’s sunny out, temperatures in the 50s are delightful. However, if it’s windy or cloudy, they’re not so pleasant, and I’d consider it borderline cold.

It’s currently 59 and sunny outside, and I’m dressed in a knee-length skirt, short-sleeved shirt and flip flops. This is the same thing I would wear in Texas if it was 102. Yikes. What are we going to do when we get back to Texas and experience real summer? Oh yeah, sweat.

Since temperatures are quickly warming up here, I’m getting more and more antsy to procure a decent A/C. We survived last summer without one, but since we are here for two more years, I would rather spend those summers in comfort. Last summer pretty much meant I stayed on the couch between two fans and would still sweating (excuse me, glow…whatever, everyone knows girls sweat).

– Sarah


  1. This morning it was 53 when I left. I’m wearing jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt, tennis shoes, and a fleece. I’m Texan through and through!

    I don’t sweat. True story.

  2. I know that feeling (but from the reverse)! When I lived in Oregon, 60s/70s was considered warm/good weather and I’d wear short sleeves and flip flops. Here in CA, if it’s under 80 everyone freaks out about how “cold” it is. When I first got here I’d be like “What do you mean COLD crazy people? This is amazing!” but after a few years down here I’m now one of the people that thinks under 75 is too cold for short sleeves 🙂

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