Pictures of Frühling in Deutschland

Because I have spent the day procrastinating instead of getting past page 1 on my cultural diversity paper, I don’t really have time for an update. However, I do have some fun snapshots I took (some just from the car) this weekend in sunny springtime Germany. Seriously, I have been in such a good mood lately, and I think I have the weather to thank.

Thank you, spring!

Enjoy the slideshow:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.810797&w=425&h=350&]

– Sarah


  1. Nice photos! 🙂
    The yellow fields you are seeing are probably rapeseed (German: Raps)!

    • Hmm well the ones around where we live are corn fields. I’m sure I confuse some rapeseed fields as corn fields though. Previously someone had told me rapeseed is what I see in the fall in the vineyards, which I thought was mustard seed. Sorry if that’s all confusing! Hopefully it made sense.

  2. Thanks for your comment! This military world is a small one! 🙂

  3. Hi Sarah! The green vegetable is a fractal called Romanesco. It’s related to the cauliflower. You prepare it the same way as cauliflower. Not sure how it will taste…but I’m pretty sure it will taste like broccoli or cauliflower…;-)

  4. looks like a great time to be in Germany

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