Outdoor Mishaps

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Today is “Not Me!” Monday, a chance for everyone to be brutally honest about what they have not been doing this week. Normally, you can also head over to My Charming Kids to see what MckMama and others have not been up to this week; however, MckMama’s little baby Stellan has now been flown to Boson for more specialized medical treatment and will most likely be going into surgery tomorrow, so I don’t think she’ll be posting again this week. (This marks about a month in the hospital for her little boy.)


It’s really hard for me to think of things for today’s post that top last week’s moments of not being accident-prone, but I have managed to come up with two…

I have most certainly not been stalking a dress on Ann Taylor LOFT’s website waiting for it to go on sale. It’s been two weeks, and I am definitely not still checking daily to see if it goes on sale.

This morning, I put on a knee-length skirt, because after a few days of rainy, nasty, cold weather, I wanted to celebrate the sun. While walking Béni this morning, he did not bite the hem of my skirt and pull my skirt so far down that the waistband was at my knees. No, not Béni. And even if he had, he would not have refused to let the skirt go so I could pull my skirt back up! Also, I am definitely not wearing bright orange underwear today. In fact, I do not own any bright orange undergarments. Nope, not me.


I recently heard a TV show call libraries lame. That is so ridiculous! We love the library here. We just checked out 3 books and a season of a TV series, which we figure is about $120 in merchandise. I think that’s a pretty sweet deal.


Yesterday was actually a nice day as well – the rain finally cleared up sometime during the night. Instead of heading to the gym, John and I chose to go on a long walk up at the Königstuhl. It was gorgeous! We have been up there several times, but yesterday it was finally clear enough that we could see to Speyer, Philippsburg, Mannheim and many other nearby towns (all about 8-12 miles away).

We walked around for about an hour and 15 minutes or so, and Béni was exhausted when we got back to the car. Poor little guy! He sure enjoying his hike though!

When we got back, he needed a bath pronto. The mud from the rain had splattered all over his coat – yuck! After his bath, we let him rest while we headed to the Kaffeehaus to enjoy our weekly Sunday brunch. We ordered a bit more than usual, and it was yummy. We wish that we could have had our regular waitress, though. We haven’t managed to get a table in her section in over a month. 🙁 When we came back, we ran to the library (as I mentioned above), and got a few books and season 1 of Heroes. We had seen the first 9 episodes and are excited to be able to have access to the DVD set for the rest of the season.

…Just a quick recap of Saturday: We checked out another Army housing area in the city and took Béni with us to Kaiserslautern so he could practice riding in the car (he doesn’t like it much). We brought his kennel for him to ride in (facing forward) with the seats removed in our Xterra. He LOVED it. (yay!) He used to bark the whole time he was in the car if no one was holding him, and now, he just lies down and enjoys the ride. Good stuff.

Anyway, we went to K-town and visited with Jamie and her 2 month old baby boy, Wyatt. He’s so adorable! After hanging out with them for a little bit, we drove to Ramstein for some yummy Chili’s.

All in all, we had a great weekend, and now I’m in awe with how much extra time I have during the week days since I’m not working on school work for the first time in about a month and a half. Woohoo!

What did YOU do this weekend? (Seriously, I want to hear about it!)

– Sarah


  1. That is so funny (even though embarrassing) about the skirt situation. I can’t count the number of times my pants/skirt and/or top have come up/down at embarrassing times. However, none of them involved a puppy!

    I spent my weekend working on a paper. Boo. And unfortunately I got a lot less done than I was hoping to get done. The bright spot of the weekend was going to dinner at my favorite restaurant in Malibu– Taverna Tonys. It’s a greek place that is pretty expensive so I can’t go there often. Other than that, it was me and environmental marketing regulations cuddling all weekend 😉

    • I know how it is to be buried in schoolwork, but it’s probably nothing as intense as law school!

      I’m glad you got to get out and go to your favorite restaurant as a little break. That’s usually pretty refreshing 🙂

  2. isn’t it great to have freedom from schoolwork!!? seriously, it’s the best feeling ever. to work hard, finish and then bask in the afterglow. that’s the best.
    beni cracks me up. the story about the skirt?? i just wish someone had been filming. would have been hilarious.
    hey sarah, your meanderings through germany sound really delicious (sorry, the places you eat make me hungry!) and i for one would love it if you could/would post pictures so we can live in germany vicariously through you!
    have a sunny week and good luck on your paper. and your joke about oklahoma?? pretty much rocked.

    • I’ll work on getting some more pictures of the area up. I hadn’t posted any in awhile because the end of winter was particularly ugly. John and I are planning on going for a walk this weekend when I’ll have the opportunity to take some great outdoor photos 🙂

      And yes, it’s so great to be done with schoolwork (for now).

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