Hi/Lo Thursday

I’m at a loss for what to write today. I blame it on all the creativity being sucked from my brain by writing these papers these past few weeks. Since I’m drawing a blank, I’ll just stick with “Hi/Lo Thursday,” which is a blog carnival from the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else’s “Hi/Lo” posts.

Our Highs:

  • Getting an air conditioner!!
  • Finishing my paper on the Saur Revolution (in Afghanistan) and its subsequent affect on Afghan women.
  • Getting through 5 pages of my 7-10 page paper on intercultural adoptions.
  • Loving on Béni everyday, especially this morning when he was extremely interested in the shower and kept barking at it.
  • Being extremely proud of Béni for learning “leave it” so quickly. Now if only he could master “drop it”…
  • Looking forward to seeing what an apartment on MTV (the other housing kaserne here) looks like so we can decide if it’s worth it to pay to move there.
  • Also looking forward to dinner at Chili’s and brunch at the Kaffeehaus and hopefully a walk up on the Königstuhl this weekend.

Our Lows:

  • Having lots of stressful dreams.
  • Not getting to see the wonderful bluebonnets in Texas in person this year.
  • Not getting to celebrate my dad’s birthday with him.

All things considered, it’s been a great week! Now if I could just finish these last few pages of my paper…

– Sarah


  1. Yay! Go Beni. How is the German chili’s? hehe, miss you…did you get my BIG email 🙂 take care

    • Of course 🙂 I just wrote you back, but I wish my response had been via phone.

      And German Chili’s is really American Chili’s. It’s on the air base about an hour away. We don’t have any good restaurants on our post (Taco Bell, Popeyes, Burger King and a place called Wingers). Anyway, the Chili’s on base is just like the Chili’s at home, and it’s great to just get a little taste of home every now and then, so we make the drive over there.

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