Double Up

Over the weekend, the trees starting blossoming and getting their leaves back. It’s wonderful! I feel bad that my parents visited only 2-3 weeks before everything got gorgeous and sunny here. They will have to visit again while it’s nice weather. 🙂


We took BĂ©ni to the vet today. In the past 2.5 weeks that we have had him, he’s basically doubled in weight. Yikes! He’s already about 14.5 pounds. I think he was around 8 when we picked him up from the breeders.

His paws are huge, so I have no doubt he’ll rival Moose in size once he’s full grown. (FYI Moose is my brother’s family’s chocolate lab.)

Last night we made steak, which BĂ©ni had never smelled before and he went NUTS. I was able to capture some of his antics with a short video clip. In the second part of the clip, he was jumping extra high for me because he loved the steak smell so much. (Hasn’t he gotten so much bigger?!)

[wpvideo 1fzfl3HL]

(video should appear above)

I promise I won’t just be blogging about BĂ©ni now. As luck would have it, BĂ©ni stories are pretty much all I have to blog about right now while the rest of my creative abilities are being drained by paper writing for the last of my classes. I have some other blog topic ideas, but I just can’t bring myself to write about them until I knock out these papers. Wish me luck!


Also, Serious.Life Magazine just published a new issue today, and I am in their featured blog directory. I mentioned it last month, but as a reminder, it’s a nice magazine with good content, great features, photos and other fun stuff.

The magazine is owned and published by the Riggs family, which I mention often. They have seven kids, three of which are adopted and one has Leukemia. The magazine gives away a bunch of ads to charities and ministries. Besides great articles on interesting people, there is a lot about family, adoption, personal finance, spiritual life, humor
 all sorts of “life” topics.

The subscription is free, but you don’t have to subscribe to browse the magazine, so take a minute to check it out and if you like it, sign up to get future issues.

– Sarah


  1. he is so beautiful!! and i love how he was talking to you. soooo precious. we used to have a white lab and she was the best. looks like you’ve got a great dog! and ps. he’s huge!!

  2. what a cutie!!! Yeah, he and Moose need to be friends… Will & Julia will be like, Moose in another color???
    I’ll take Beni stories over paper writing stories any day! 😉

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