Clicker Training

How many of you know about clicker training?

John introduced me to clicker training for dogs, and we have been using it with Béni. The basic idea is that you use a clicker to click at the exact moment when they do a desirable behavior during training and then you treat them. It’s kind of Pavlovian. They associate the click with a treat or getting rewarded (sometimes I just have good play time after he’s been clicked). However, if you have ever had a lab, I’m sure you know that the way to their heart is through their stomach. And don’t worry, we’re careful not to overfeed him.

If you’re interested in clicker training, visit the link (the text “clicker training”) at the beginning of this post.

We have been clicker training Béni since he was about 8.5 weeks old. The video embedded below was taken this weekend, when he was 10.5 weeks. His newest trick is “leave it,” and it’s my favorite. It shows that he is really catching on to this training thing. I also love that he adores training time. He gets really excited and can’t wait to begin when he sees me go grab some treats.

Tip: We also are mixing in some of his food that we’ll phase in once this humongous bag of food that was given to us by the breeders is gone. That way, his tummy is already used to them and he loves the new food because he thinks they’re treats.

Ok, now for the video:

[wpvideo djndNETk]


While posting that video, I remembered an awesome video I watched online yesterday called Cardboard Stories. Someone actually searched the internet yesterday for it and came across my blog. They searched “He is Risen” video Austin Stone. I just wish I had posted it yesterday so they could have found it. Regardless, I hope they found it on another site.

Here’s the video:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.810309&w=425&h=350&fv=]

click to see more videos from “Austin Stone


  1. I love your dog!!!! If Eric and I ever get a puppy please come to Austin and teach us how to make our dog as good as yours!! Thanks for posting the video!

    • We’d love to, and I do hope that you guys can get a dog someday.

      I’m glad we got to chat yesterday, and I really hope everything works out so we can see you guys when you’re in Germany this summer!

  2. sorry, sarah, i didn’t even take time to look at your post, because i got so excited about your first question!! clicker training works like MAGIC!! it’s awesome! we have three dogs, and every once in awhile, they’ll get out. the clicker brings them home like nobody’s business. when they’re in the yard, a quick click brings them scrambling!! no annoying yelling for our neighbors (heck they have to listen to enough barking, lol).
    so good luck with the training (the secret to a happy doggie and parents, imo) and can’t wait to hear more!!

  3. p.s. beni is a flippin GENIOUS!!

  4. Is it weird that I think “Diet Snapple” every time I hear that clicking sound?

  5. Sarah, I think you’ve almost convinced me to get a puppy! How awesome that he’s so well trained already. Good job guys! Beni is super cute 🙂 Can’t wait to meet him.

    • Thanks, Veronica! I can’t wait for you and Jake to meet him either.

      If you guys do decide to get a puppy, you should read up on clicker training. I’m in love with it.

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