All Corners of the Globe

Some random thoughts:

It’s back to chilly, rainy, gray Germany, and I’m actually glad! We really needed some rain because we hadn’t gotten any since mid-March, and I was also getting a bit hot during the day even though we bought an a/c.

Today is John’s step dad’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Marcus!

I submitted paper #1 a few minutes ago and just need to write the conclusion for paper #2 before submitting. Yay!

Béni acted crazy all morning and has been peaceful since about 1:30 (granted, he’s slept most of that time too). His bark is deafening, by the way.

A bar on post was hosting a luau today and they were going to roast a wild boar (something like that…). I guess the rain ruined that plan.

We have planned a big trip to the States in August. I wanted to be able to go in July and stay through mid-August so I could make it to 2 weddings, but it looks like I’ll only be able to go to one now. During our trip, we’ll go to Lubbock, San Antonio, Austin, and Rochester (MN). Whew!


Today’s Nostalgic Friday post features a photo taken on New Year’s Eve 2000 with my friends Matt and Helen.


I can’t believe it’s been 8.5 years since this was taken. We have all certainly grown up a lot. You all know my story, and Matt is a 1st LT in the Army currently serving in Iraq. Helen is a kindergarten teacher in Dallas and is getting married this November.

I miss you both!

Happy Friday!

– Sarah


  1. yay for rain. and yay for papers being done. and yay for beni. it’s clear he brings you much joy. and y’all are doing such a good job with him!! he is so well trained for such a little guy.
    i hope you have (or had, time difference) a great saturday.
    and i love how you miss your bluebonnets. hard to take texas out of a girl, huh?

    • Thanks! It was a great (and long) Saturday, and today it’s really sunny so we’re about to take Béni out for a hike on the hill near our house 🙂

  2. When in August will y’all be in SA? there’s a chance I’ll be able to make it down and see y’all. 🙂
    I’m so glad your papers are done and nearly done!! Beni and William’s dog can have a bark contest… it would be cacophonous (fun word!).
    miss you!

    • We’re planning to be in SA Aug 9-13 and the 16-17. I’ll send that to you via email in case you didn’t subscribe to reply comments on this post.

  3. What are you doing with Beni when you come to the US?

    • We’re hoping that some friends here will want to dog sit (and be compensated, of course). If we can’t find anyone, we’ll pay to have him kenneled.

      We looked into flying with him, but it’s retarded complicated and expensive, so we’re going to have to save that for our big move home in a couple years.

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