The Field

Only 1 day until our big giveaway! Can you stand the excitement? I don’t think I can! I can’t wait for everyone to see what the prize is.

Today’s clue: It’s a “tool” to make something which I never fathomed being able to make at home.


A few weeks ago, John had a dream that he was eating olives (which he hates). In his dream, he was spitting them out, and when he woke up, his pillow was a bit damp. I guess not everything was contained to just the dream!


It’s also time for “Hi/Lo Thursday,” which is a blog carnival from the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else’s “Hi/Lo” posts and get your link on their site.

Our Highs:

  • Going to the Jason Mraz concert
  • Getting paper #1 written for my two upcoming classes
  • Registering for my last class for my master’s!
  • Enjoying the rest of my parents’ visit
  • Going shopping for our puppy (we’re bringing him home Saturday!)

Our Lows:

  • Finding out John may be gone longer than we thought. He’s being sent off to the field on either Sunday or Monday, and we’re not sure when the Army will send him back home. It won’t be later than April 1st. We’re just bummed because it’s the first days of our puppy parenthood and I’m going to be in class every weeknight form 6-9:30 and all weekend (8-4:30 Saturday & Sunday). We want someone to be with the puppy more than that!

That’s it, folks! Now just get excited for tomorrow and don’t forget to check back!

– Sarah


  1. hey girl. . .
    so a puppy, huh?? i’m curious and can’t wait to see pictures!
    yep ours is a mini-dachshund. we’ve got three. i don’t know what that says about us (ie stupid, i think) other than the fact that they’re so dang cute you can’t resist getting another one!! but then the pottytraining (endless potty training if it’s a girl) ensues.
    i hope all goes well with the new pup and that john makes it back in time to enjoy all the fun (ie picking up little puppy poopies)
    and ps
    can’t wait till tomorrow. i hope everyone else forgets! lol

    • Your comment made me laugh, and I really needed that today, so thanks!! Good luck tomorrow 🙂 I just finished writing the post. Now it’s off to bed. I’ll post in the morning!

  2. My guess is either a breadmaker or something to use to make pasta. If I’m correct, I need to know how to win!

    I enjoyed John’s post yesterday. Just so you know, blogging really helps us all keep in touch. I “talk” to you and Jim more than any old CGers and that’s because of all of our blogs. I know we aren’t stuck in another country, but we did move.. and I can understand that it’s hard. (Obviously not nearly as hard for us as it is for you, but you know what I mean!)Love you girl!

    • You’ll still need to know how to win. I think you guys would use it!

      And thanks for the note on John’s post. It felt really good for the both of us to be able to share that. We also enjoy being able to keep up with the Johnsons and you guys via blog. Hurray for 21st century communication technology!

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