School Projects

My senior year of college, I had a decent amount of credit hours that I could use for electives, so I took an advanced Norwegian class which really taught me a lot. Unfortunately, a lot of it has gotten mixed up now with my Deutsch, but I’m confident that with some practice, I could bring it back.

As an ode to my countless hours of norsk studying, I bring you week’s Nostalgic Friday. The clip is a minute-long segment from our 15-minute video project. We were reading the Norwegian book Kurt, Quo Vadis? by Erlend Loe, and our professor assigned us a project in which we had to “make a movie” out of a section of the reading. In my group, we rotated who played which character depending on the scene (in order to get enough “air time” for each of us). In this scene, I was climbing to the top of a ladder to think and think and think. Oh yeah, and I’m playing Kurt, who works in construction and has a nice handlebar mustache. I think my favorite part of the clip is how the hat is way too big for me.

[wpvideo Sk1UQORG]


Also, for your viewing pleasure, John stumbled across this ADORABLE video of a “whistling” puppy. Enjoy!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.795258&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]


Last night, we finally got to try out the restaurant Die Kartoffel (The Potato). Their main attraction is that you can order a steak that is served on a hot stone and cooked at your table. Knowing that was enough to pique my interest and send us over there last night. It’s not in Heidelberg, but it’s close enough – it’s about 15 minutes down the A5 in Ladenburg, which is essentially in Mannheim (it’s an outlying town, but it’s close to the city). The restaurant is in a medieval 16th century home and the food was tasty, so it’s definitely a place to bring visitors!

Have a great weekend!

– Sarah


  1. Sounds like a great restaurant Sarah. I had completely forgotten that you took Norwegian!

    • Yes, it was very delicious! As for the Norwegian, I just wish I remembered it more. Being around German all the time has caused me to forget a lot of what I learned in Norwegian class.

  2. We saw that place when we were in Ladenburg and had heard about it’s specialty, but never gone, so were curious as to how it was! Thanks for blogging about it!

  3. aaw your norwegian was really good!!! ..and its how we met each other =]

    but i guess it makes sense that the norske and the deutsch get mixed up since norske is a germanic language?!

  4. The dog video scared the crap out of Basil…probably b/c I managed to turn the volume to full blast on my stereo right as it whistled. I did get a laugh though! =)

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