Puppy is Here

We got to bring home our sweet yellow lab puppy on Saturday! (Yes, I will tell you his name in this post.) He is super sweet and cute, but I am very sleep deprived…he is not used to being alone so he cries a lot. We’re working on that, but it’s a slow process. John left yesterday for his week out of town for work, so it was extra hard last night with only one adult here.

He’s done very well with the rest of his training, but we can’t do much at this point. He’s still so much of a baby that he sleeps about 20 hours a day.

So, I suppose I can finally stop referring to our puppy with just the “he” pronoun, and I can let y’all know his name. Please welcome Béni as the newest member of the SoJo family! The name Béni comes from the French “béni” which means “blessed.” We also plan on calling him Bendito, which is Spanish for blessed.

I put together a few clips from this weekend of Beni playing with his Kong toy and chewing on his first bone. It should appear below. For those of you using Google Reader or something similar, you may have to visit our actual blog page to see the video.

[wpvideo 2hnpW2lU]


Our giveaway closes tonight at midnight, so cross your fingers that you’re the winner! We’ll be drawing a number sometime tomorrow.


It’s also “Not Me!” Monday, which is a chance for everyone to be brutally honest about what they have not been doing this week. Normally, you can head over to My Charming Kids to see what MckMama and others have not been up to this week, but I’m not sure if MckMama is posting a “Not me!” Monday today. She had to take her youngest son Stellan to the hospital last night. He had some heart problems before he was born, but by the time he was born they had gone away. He’s been sick the past few days, and they took him to the ER last night and his heart rate was almost 300 bpm. As of when I posted this entry, they still hadn’t found an effective way to slow his heart rate down.

Update 3:45 CET Apparently Stellan has been put in the pediatric intensive care unit. Today’s not much of a “Not Me!” Monday, so I’ll just carry on with a few of my own:

John and I did not refresh MckMama’s blog incessantly for 10 minutes until last week’s Not Me! Monday appeared, quickly post to Mr. Linky and yell in triumph when we saw we’d made it to number 2. I have a very interesting and busy life and would not get so excited about being in the top 10 or so that I experienced an adrenaline rush.

When we realized we might be getting a few extra hits on our blog as a result of our placement on with Mr. Linky, my husband did not insist on checking my most recent post for typos. I’m a perfectionist, so I would not let a post go up without double and triple checking it.

John left for 6 days in Grafenwöhr yesterday, and it’s been something we have been dreading since we’re also in the first few days of puppy parenthood. My husband did not ask me if I would run over his foot with the car so he wouldn’t have to go.

I like my sleep a lot, and when I’m woken up without enough sleep, I’m not a happy camper. Last night, I put Beni into his area at 10 and tried to go to sleep around 10:30. Beni woke me up with his whimpers every time I was about to go to sleep until 12:30. At 12:30, I took him downstairs (remember, we live on the 3rd floor) and across the street to his “potty spot.” When we got back upstairs, he just kept whimpering and wouldn’t go to sleep until just after 1 AM. In a fit of frustration due to lack of sleep, I definitely did not start crying just before 1. (I was up again from 4-4:40 AM, 5:50-6 AM, and I don’t remember what else. I’m tired.)

– Sarah


  1. Beni is adorable!!!! and so worth the no sleep! (although I had to chuckle remembering dance camp and you with little sleep) 🙂


  2. awww, benito is adorabilito!! i remember those days. sort of a prelude to having kids (really!). do you have a crate for the little guy?
    it really makes training so much easier. sort of like putting a baby down for a nap during the day. when he wakes up, you take him immediately outside and he’ll do his business, you throw a party, etc. it gives you a good training schedule and some peace of mind. plus dogs are den animals and dig the comfort/enclosed feeling.
    great not me’s and i posted one, too. in honor of sweet stellan.
    have a blessed week! and good luck with the new “baby” without the help of your husband. you can do it!

    • Thanks! We do have a crate, but he cries and cries when he’s in there. Today I had to go to an interview and was gone for about an hour and 20 minutes, he was howling when I left and was still howling when I got back. I had chew toys and treats in the crate for him and left the TV on as noise. Am I missing something? I’d appreciate any tips!!

  3. love thank you for the dog pikjrs he is cute

  4. Very cute! Best of luck with the new puppy.

  5. omg he is SO cute!!!im glad you have beni training with a tennis ball so early =]

  6. I will NOT point out that I am just as obsessed with typo checking as you are…or that two paragraphs after that you have a typo. Garry will NOT roll his eyes and tell me to stop being a curmudgeon for pointing out your typo. I will also NOT admit that I accidentally let the word “excape” grace one of my comments for almost 2 whole minutes today. I will NOT say that I think it’s due to your lack of sleep from your monstrously cute puppy and my lack of sleep from my ongoing sewing explosion. So don’t feel bad, I’m not sleeping either. =)

    • Yes, that was definitely due to lack of sleep :o) I even reread it this morning and didn’t see it. I had to get the spell checker to go to work. Yikes! (Also, I’m so tired that it took me a minute to figure out what “excape” is.)

  7. HE IS SO CUTE!!!! Love that puppy!!!

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