Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I spent the morning baking beer bread for John’s office in celebration of the day. Are you doing anything to celebrate?
For those of you who subscribe through Google Reader or something similar, I’ve noticed our videos tend to not show up, so if I mention a video in a post and you don’t see it, just head on over to our blog to view the video.
On Friday, John and I got to take in an incredible concert in Mannheim: Jason Mraz (with Marit Larsen opening). Because it was the first time we had gone to a big-name concert together, I wanted to look nice so I wore heels. That turned out to be both a blessing and a curse…
The concert got off to a great start when I heard Marit count off her band with “en, to, tre,” which made me realize she’s Norwegian. That’s automatic cool points in my book. However, in between her set and Jason Mraz’s, my feet began to ache. They were rubbing the sides of my feet raw, and the balls of my feet were hurting from being in high heels and standing for so long. I should have thought about the fact that the concert was “standing room only” before I chose to wear those shoes. (Because the concert was a standing room only show, it was also smaller – probably about 2000-2500 people were in attendance.)

waiting for Jason Mraz to take the stage
You know how when you’re watching a show and you can see perfectly but then that ONE tall guy gets in front of you and blocks most – if not all – of your view? Imagine a room full of “that guy.” I don’t know when Germans got so tall, but I’d be surprised if the average height in that room wasn’t about 6’4″. It was ridiculous! So because of the tall factor, I am glad I had my high heels on. I’m sure some of the shorter girls around me couldn’t see a thing.
Finally Jason came on stage. He opened with 1000 Things, and after the intro ended up singing “I forgot the words y’all” before getting back on track and finishing the song very well. It was a nice recovery and gave everyone a laugh. I was amazed throughout the show by his talent. I have always enjoyed his recordings, but seeing him live gave me a new dimension of appreciation for his music. If you ever have a chance to go see him play, please do it!
Two other tidbits from his set: he mixed in Oasis’ Wonderwall and Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds and had some great audience participation with that. At one point, he had everyone turn to the person they came with and sing the line “every little thing is gonna be alright” and then turn and sing that same line to a stranger. Fun! Also, while introducing his band, he took Polaroids of each band member and tossed them out into the crowd. How cool is that?!
I put together some short clips from his song I’m Yours, which he introduced as “a little hippie song we like to play.” Unfortunately, my camera was running out of battery, so they’re choppy but it’s better than nothing.
[wpvideo LrFO6Wlr]
Don’t forget, our giveaway is coming up on Friday. I’m so excited that I want to tell everyone what it is, but I’m doing my best to keep it a secret. Here’s one hint for today: it’s a great substitute for one of my favorite things.
– Sarah
EWWWW You used the worst word in the whole world. And you used it in the worst way. Ewww!! Gross Sarah!
Uh oh. I forgot what words you don’t like. Dare I ask? I searched your blog but couldn’t find that post…help?
raw. ew ew ew!
Ok…oh no, I found it. Sorry 🙁 I forgot about your aversion to that word.
cool show! I remember Mraz performing at ACL one year where he wore a pink shirt that has something in Japanese like “akota” or “atoka.” I found out later from a friend that it meant someone that watches a lot of anime, aka a geek, a ref to his song “Geek in the Pink.”
By the way you said “around” in the giveaway post I’m guessing it’s not something easily found in stores or it was in euros so dollar amount wise it’s an estimation. I’m guessing it’s a bright copper kettle or warm woolen mittens, or maybe crisp apple streudel and schnitzel w/ noodles
Yeah, Mraz’s shows are great! I’m glad you’ve gotten to see him live.
As for the giveaway, nice guess with the Sound of Music reference but you’re not even close! However, I did try schnitzel for the first time last week. Surprising, I know, since I’ve been in Germany for a total of about a year.
I’m not even close… shoot. replaces one of your favorite things.. Is it money? Oh, it must be Jesus! Wait, that’s silly, how can you replace Jesus. Maybe like a digital bible on Kindle?
Creative guesses, but no. Just wait for Friday!
thanks for taking me to the jason mraz concert!! what fun!! wow, it was packed!
and it’s cool to see jason jammin in germany. way cool.
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
very cool that you guys went to Jason Mraz!!! Yeah Marit is from the former band M2M. Both girls dated the Hanson brothers 😉 LOL….
(I should know because I was A REALLY big Hanson fan) hahaha.
Oh, wow, I didn’t realize that she was from M2M. Now I get why M2M was shown as “related music” when I pulled Marit up on iTunes.