Giveaway & Not Me! Monday

Guess what?! This Friday we’re doing a BIG giveaway for you guys, and it’s all because we bought a new gadget for our house that we absolutely love. In fact, we love it so much, we want to give another one away (compliments of the manufacturer). So mark your calendars and be sure to come back Friday – and hopefully every day in between just because you love to read our blog – we’ll tell you all about the product and give everyone a chance to win our new “favorite thing.” (I kind of feel like Oprah with her favorite things show!)

And if you need some extra incentive, the giveaway is worth around $100!



As another week begins, it’s time again for “Not Me! Monday,” a chance for everyone to be brutally honest about what they have not been doing this week. You can also head over to My Charming Kids to see what MckMama and others have not been up to this week!

After taking my parents to the airport yesterday morning, John and I went to the Kaffeehaus for our weekly Sunday brunch. While eating my pretzel bread, I most certainly did not confuse the thoughts in my head and declare “this pretzel is thirsty.” No, not me. I articulated my thoughts clearly and said “This pretzel is making me thirsty.” Of course I intended the Seinfeld reference. I would never let something as great as that be unintentional nor would I completely mess up the statement and say something nonsensical.

I haven’t let a few snorts slip while laughing lately (I’m really not a snorter), and so I did NOT ask John “am I snorting a lot because I’m getting fat?” I would never say something that blonde.


Don’t forget to check back for our giveaway on Friday! Have a great week!

– Sarah


  1. so good job on the refresh fingers!! way to be number two. is it just me or do you get this crazy shot of adrenaline just getting in the top 10?? (two weeks in a row, i might add!)
    so now it’s off to be productive. because i’m sure that the hubster would NOT share my love for NMM, nor would he be in the LEAST impressed that i made the top ten. nope, not him!!
    and you can be sure i’ll be back on friday!! the curiosity alone is KILLING me!

  2. haha! I do that too! Thank goodness my man gets my special language and knows what I mean!

    Good job on # 2…. I know you were dying!

  3. Those are too funny! I’ve been snorting lately, too. Maybe I’ll blame it on the weather. HAHA!

  4. Congrats #2- you beat me by a millisecond! Does your index finger hurt now too?

  5. Good looking blog! I know quite a few ‘snorters’ 😉 Love it when they laugh hard! What does your husband say when you ask questions like that?

    • First I laughed (really really hard) that she thought being fat and snorting were related. Then I assured her that she is not in the least bit fat.

      I used to know this girl who sounded like a goose when she laughed. A friend of mine thought it was so funny that he would burst out into a high-pitched chuckle, goose laugh girl thought this was hilarious which lead to more goose laughter which in turn led to more high-pitched chuckle… It was a never ending loop of hilarity.

  6. very random NMM thoughts! Nice.
    carma 🙂

  7. thanks for sharing the love. and i pretty much snorted myself over jfownens comments about the goose and the snorter. ohmygoodness.
    btw, hope you have an awesome week. see you friday!

  8. I snort sometimes too. Shh! I won’t tell if you won’t.

  9. dangit..did i miss the giveaway?!!!!

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