Flight Line

John was supposed to be off from work today, but his office sent him to a briefing this morning from 8AM – noon. It stinks, but on the upside, he gets credit for working today and can take the rest of the day off without losing a day of leave.

As I mentioned yesterday, we’re going to see our puppy today!! I’m incredibly excited and will definitely take some pictures.

Later this afternoon, we’re heading to Ramstein, and of course, will eat dinner at Chili’s tonight. If you read our blog often, you know that Chili’s is a huge treat for us since there’s a lack of American-style restaurants near us. Last night’s dinner was a very typically German experience. We all ordered schnitzel and potato-based sides, which was a filling dinner!


Serious.Life Magazine just published their March issue today, and I am in their Featured Blog Directory. The magazine has some great articles and content from bloggers. It’s owned and published by the Riggs family, who I have mentioned before (on Hi/Lo Thursdays). The family has seven kids, three adopted and one who has Leukemia (www.riggsfamilyblog.com). The magazine also gives away a bunch of ads to charities and ministries.

The subscription is FREE, so take a minute to check it out. If you like it, it’s easy to sign up to get future issues.

Serious.Life Magazine

– Sarah


  1. hey sarah
    so i find it interesting you mention the riggs family
    i know some of the cusins to this family i even went to school with a couple of them its such a small world
    i hope yall are well and it sounds like you had fun with your parents
    hope you have a great day

    • Wow, what a small world, Margaret! That’s crazy that you know of the Riggs family as well.

      I hope you’re having a great day, too.

      Take care,

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