
Sorry I haven’t posted as much this week. It’s been really hectic without John here. I have been getting about 4.5-6.5 hours of sleep in 2 hour increments with about 30-40 minute breaks in between to take Bèni outside and then come back in, listen to barking and howling and then finally go to sleep.

He is getting so much more active. Actually, he’s nuts. Whenever he finds a treat, he races around our living room in circles (usually falling over several times) before he finds a suitable place to chow down on the treat. It’s hilarious and I’m trying to catch it on video one of these days.

In the class I’m taking this week, the prof assigned me to present a book (which I hadn’t read) and teach it to the class today. I got 2 days to prepare. Yesterday, I read all but the last 30 pages. I seriously spent all day reading. As soon as I’m finished with this post, I’m going to start reading again and then I have to figure out how to teach the class about the Mexican and Russian Revolutions with regard to the US’ involvement when I knew absolutely nothing about it prior to this 200 page book. (And my reading comprehensive [more so retention] when it comes to history is nothing to write home about.)

I think I’m going to just outline the chapters in PowerPoint and hope for the best. We’re supposed to take an hour and 15 minutes to present. Ugh. I don’t like it when professors have the students teach so they don’t have to. I really want to learn about this stuff, but now I’m just frustrated.


Today is also “Hi/Lo Thursday,” which is a blog carnival from the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to read everyone else’s “Hi/Lo” posts and get your link on their site.

Our Highs:

  • Bringing Bèni home
  • Getting selected for a job interview
  • Moving past the dread of John’s TDY and getting to the reality of it (hey, it’s almost over!)
  • Starting my 3rd to last class for my master’s

Our Lows:

  • John leaving for 6 days for work
  • Having to leave Bèni home alone in the crate for 4.5 hours while I go to class (he really needs to go outside about every 2.5 hours)
  • Getting sleep in 2 hour increments all night long…it doesn’t make for restful sleep. I can’t wait for John to be back so we can share nighttime potty duty for Bèni
  • Having to put together this presentation for class, yuck


Ok, wish me luck on my presentation. I’m going to need it!

Have a great Thursday, everyone!

– Sarah


  1. don’t know if this will help your sleeping, but i would suggest letting the puppy sleep. if you can wake up when he wakes up, then you can take him out. but to set your alarm to take him out will only train him to wake up all nite long. the goal is for him to sleep all nite (and for you, too)
    hope this helps. it’ll work if you’re not a super deep sleeper. good luck!

  2. ugh i took a seminar last summer and the prof made each student pick a topic on her syllabus and we had to lecture to the class for 3 hours. and were graded on it. i hated it too! i dont consider myself an expert in it..isnt that the profs job?!!! ..good luckkkkk =]]]

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