I apologize again for my lack of posts this week. It’s been a tough week between getting Béni, sending John off to Graf, getting up every 2-3 hours throughout the night for a week, interviewing (yes, for a job…more on that another day), class, reading a book and putting together a presentation in 2 days, going in for a 2-3 hour extra “interview,” picking up John, cramps, 2 more days of class, and an essay test. Eesh.
I’m glad to be done with all of that, but now that it’s over, I feel awful. I’m lying on the couch all wrapped up in a blanket. I feel nauseous and on the verge of getting sick. I can’t get sick, though! I have another class starting on Tuesday, which will be my second to last class for my master’s! I also have to write a 10-page research paper for this past week’s class.
Anyway, I really can’t write anymore. I’m just not feeling well. I promise to post more pictures of Béni this week and to post more regularly again starting tomorrow.
– Sarah
Hope you feel better soon! There’s definitely something going around. 🙁
praying for the work you have to complete as you battle not feeling well. hope you have a blessed week!