So after a quick scour of the internet I managed to find out that there is a radio station bearing our namesake… South Jersey’s own SoJo 104.9!
I love it when they give the call sign… They say SoJo has you in the middle of another non-stop block of hits. LOL
On another note, I unintentionally came across an advertisement for the house I grew up in. Apparently they haven’t changed a darn thing, cause… well look for yourselves. YIKES!!!
Ok hope you are having a great weekend!
Ready to freak??? We totally want to buy that house! It’s right behind our apartment! We’ve been scoping it out forever! Small world!!
OK, I totally did freak out. I woke Sarah up to tell her about it. If you have any questions about the house let me know. Hint… I don’t think it should sell for more than 175 They haven’t changed a thing since my family moved out like 12 years ago. Notice the kitchen wall paper… Yikes.
It was a really good house though, on a great street for kids. Love the cul-de-sac.