Gmail is Down

I was looking for a blog topic today, and then bam! Gmail went down.

I’m not very computer-savvy, but it seemed like a big deal, so I checked Twitter. If you’re interested, visit Twitterfall for an endless stream of tweets on the outage. It’s actually pretty incredible. When I first loaded the page, I had about 20 queued tweets, and after about 5 minutes, I had nearly 1000!

Some quick searches produced two bulletins about the outage, one from Google, which says it could be up to 3.5 more hours until they announce when they “expect to resolve the problem.” I hope it sooner than 3.5 hours from now! The other bulletin I happened upon was from a UK site, Pocket-lint, which promises to update readers when there’s more information.

*Update 12:15 PM CET* That didn’t take long. Thanks, Google! Gmail is up and running again.

*Update 12:25 PM CET* Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. It loaded, and I was able to send an email, but now it’s acting buggy. I guess it will be patchy for awhile until the problem gets resolved.


John has become very aware of how accident prone I am, especially in the kitchen. If something is hot, chances are I’m going to burn myself on it. I took it to a new level last night while making goulash.

I was boiling the noodles, but I was also feeling a bit under the weather, so I didn’t stir them as much as I should have. When I came back to the pot, some noodles were stuck to the bottom. As I attempted to get them unstuck, I used a bit too much force and ended up splashing boiling water on a good portion of my left hand.

I didn’t think it was too bad, but it hurt for a couple hours and is still pink today. Oh, bother.


I actually have a relevant video for today’s totally irrelevant video series, but that would defeat the purpose of the series, wouldn’t it? Besides, I have to get “permission” to use it since I didn’t make it (John did). So for now enjoy sitting on the steps in front of Sacre Coeur in Paris and listening to a musician entertain the crowd (taken January 2008).

[wpvideo z90RrimP]

– Sarah

One Comment

  1. I had a bad blogging day today too. Couldn’t come up with anything.

    I love goulash!! Hmm, I think I shall make some this week.

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