
Last year for Thanksgiving, I cooked our dinner in the barracks. This year, we had a full set of kitchenware and a home of our own. We decided to share the holiday with a couple that John introduced me to through his first assignment here – Marcus and Shanda.

We went over to their house, and brought strawberry gellatin salad (my mom’s recipe), rolls, green bean casserole (mom’s recipe), pumpkin pie (my grandma’s recipe), some cheese and crackers, and some wine. Shanda made the turkey, stuffing, gravy, cornbread, cranberries and yams. She and I hung out in the kitchen, and I made some mashed potatoes while John and Marcus watched TV (How I Met Your Mother, football and played video games).

Our dinner was so tasty. Here are some pics:

And finally, a picture of us on our 2nd Thanksgiving together:


  1. you look so great, sar!!
    glad to see you and john are having fun over there on the other side of the world!
    can’t wait to see you in SA!

  2. aww! the turkey looks amazzzng!

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