We are back from our Christmas trip home to Texas, and now I can catch everyone up on the past month. I’m sorry for the absence of posts lately, but our trip was very busy, and I didn’t have time to be on the computer.
We were home from December 14 until yesterday (the 30th). We left Texas on the 29th, but we didn’t get back here until the morning of the 30th. We landed around 8:30, but it took us until about 2:30 to get to our apartment. We had a hard time staying awake, and ended up sleeping from 6:30 PM until 5:20 this morning when John’s alarm went off for work. (He had to leave at 5:55.)
Anyway, let me get to the big news: John got promoted to Specialist on December 1! The general promoted him, which was really awesome. I’m really proud of John and was really glad I could be there to support him.
As always, enjoy the pictures!
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