An Amazing Dinner!

This weekend has been incredibly stressful. As I mentioned before, I’m taking a graduate-level statistics class, and I’m in Unit 2 of 4 for the course. It’s already way beyond my comprehension level, so completing the homework for this unit was frustrating to say the least.

John decided he wanted to make a nice dinner for me on Saturday night. That way I wouldn’t have to worry about cooking or taking the time to go out to eat. With the second option, we’d probably only get a semi-decent meal anyway.

He made chicken cordon bleu and a bacon and brussel sprout hash. Neither of us had tried brussel (Brussels, brussel, brussels) sprouts before, and the dish he made was awesome! He served dinner with a Spätlese wine (white) that we got at the bazaar last weekend. It was such a great treat. I’m a really lucky girl!

And this is more for my own memory (so I can get another bottle sometime). The wine is Friedrich Daudistel 2006 Grauer Burgunder Spätlese. The bottle also says Horrweiler St. Rochuskapelle. Rheinhessen, trocken, dry. D-55457 Horrweiler, Honiggasse 8. Telefon 0 67 27/12 36. I hope I can find another bottle!

Here are pictures from dinner:

From SoJo Blog

(notice he even lit a candle!)

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great presentation!

From SoJo Blog

we weren’t dressed so fancy for our gourmet dinner, but that made it even better…we were comfortable!

Finally, I’ll leave y’all with a photo of the sunset from sometime last week:

From SoJo Blog


  1. Wow! What a great dinner, John. 🙂

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