I prepared a slideshow of my favorite preparation photos from our wedding. Part 1 is the girls and I’ll post part 2 of the guys tomorrow.
Oh, and to respond to Jason’s comment from the last slideshow, yes, John and I were both thinking about Rev. Cole’s coffee breath at that moment. He was leaning over us, and there was no escaping it!
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I also have to mention that the TV show How I Met Your Mother is the most underrated TV show currently on the air. Especially if you’re in your 20s, you need to at least watch one episode. As an appetizer, here’s a short clip from YouTube:
the move in the hot/crazy scale should be vertical, along the hot axis. losing 10 lbs and getting a boob job should result in increase in hotness.
it just keeps going, this is my absolute favorite show on TV, I have been watching since Day 1 and got Siobhan hooked as well. Go Sarah and John!