On our way to Germany!

Hi Everyone!

So as per the norm our flights were delayed and we were re-routed. Because of this we have a bit of time to blog while we are waiting for our next flight. First, rather than going to Dallas and then direct to Germany, we had to fly to Chicago, catch a flight to London, and then get on another plane on a different airline to Frankfurt. We will arrive 5 or 6 hours after we had originally planned. Oh well. At least because of the delay and my Gold status in the American Airlines frequent flier program we were bumped up to first class on our flight from San Antonio to Chicago. This was VERY enjoyable. Great free drinks and good food

Now I know that you are waiting anxiously for our post about the wedding and the honeymoon, but you know how things are around a wedding. BUSY! Once we finally get settled in we will post the longest blog you have ever seen. We have a million pictures and can’t wait to share them with you all. But to give you a little preview of whats to come, the wedding and honeymoon were AWESOME. We had a great time seeing everyone at the wedding. The honeymoon was probably the best trip that either Sarah or I have ever been on

So keep holding your breath. Wait, on second thought take some deep breaths and be patient. We are anxious to get stuff up and will as soon as we can. Love you all.

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