No Internet Temporarily

Hey all…hopefully we will have internet again by tonight, but for the past two days, we have been sans internet. I am currently outside between some of the housing buildings stealing internet in order to write this. We think the neighbor we had been stealing wireless from moved out (two of our downstairs neighbors moved out this week), but ours is scheduled to be hooked up today but will definitely be up no later than Friday. Cross your fingers for us that it’s up today.

One other thing I wanted to mention….the cottonwood was CRAZY when we got here 2 weeks ago. Since then, it has gone back to normal, but there were times where it looked like it was snowing because there was so much in the air. Be advised: if you are allergic to cottonwood, it’s probably not a good idea to schedule a visit to see us during the months of May and June. We cannot wait to host our family and friends whenever you all can make it over, though!

Tonight, Germany is playing Turkey in the Euro Cup semi finals (I think it’s the semis…maybe quarter finals). We are going to a coffee shop in Schwetzingen (the one we went to before) to watch. It should be fun!  With that, I am going to head back inside. It’s 86 out, and in case you didn’t know, A/C is not very common in Germany (not even in cars). We, like the Germans, do not have an A/C, so I’m relegated to fans and standing in front of the freezer on these uber hot days.

Auf wiedersehen!


  1. I think it would be easy to become a Euro Cup fan. Sounds like fun!

  2. One more thing about the Euro Cup – check out my friend’s blog (who is actually also in Germany!). The latest entry is funny and is about her love for the sport

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