Back to the Blogging World!

Hi y’all…I’m sorry for our long absence. With the wedding rapidly approaching, I have had increasingly less time to sit around and dilly dally on the internet. (Also, I really like to say “dilly dally.”) This post will serve to catch you all up with a slideshow of photos from mid March until the present. Enjoy, and stand by for another post this week. Seriously.

PS John is working on a new hosting site for our blog, so stay tuned for a completely new look. You will still be able to find us at the same address (

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.552495&w=425&h=350&]

One Comment

  1. I had no idea you went to Island Party… looks like it was fun! Baylor BYX always compared their IP to Texas & A/M. =)

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