Over the Past Few Months…

John and I figured we would write a blog about all the crazy things that have happened while planning the wedding. I’m sure we will forget some, but this will be a good overview of what’s been going on.

We went to the florist that my sister used when she got married nine years ago. Since then, he has become rather popular. Unfortunately, his business practices aren’t much to brag about, and after waiting for a proposal for over a month (and calling to follow up a couple times), I decided we should go see someone else just to see what they would have to offer. Wow…we went to see Jennifer Weaver, who owns Natural Journey over on Blanco. She is absolutely fantastic, and I couldn’t be happier with the results I have seen. She sat down with me for an hour and a half consultation and got a really good feel for my style and what I would like her to put together. While we talked, she brought flowers from the back and put several flowers together in a little bouquet and asked me what I liked/didn’t like about it. Two weeks later, she had a proposal for me and had me come back in to see a sample centerpiece. Simply fantastic. I feel like a valued client, and I know she will do great work on the day of the wedding. I had my bridal portraits taken on Tuesday, and she gave me a bouquet for that as well, and it was breathtaking. I wish I could share pictures, but you all are going to have to wait for the wedding!! :o) Oh, I also want to add that with the first florist I visited, he met with me for a total of 30-40 minutes and I still had no idea what he understood from my “vision” and what he was going to put together. Jennifer has really put me at ease.

Then about three weeks ago, my mom called me to say they had just received the monthly church bulletin, and it said that the organ was damaged by some dust that got into the pipes when the church was having some construction done. Not thinking this was a big deal, I did some research online and discovered how damaging dust can be in a pipe organ. The bulletin said that the organ would be out of commission for 8-12 weeks. Eight weeks would put it being ready right in time for our wedding. I was very upset that it wouldn’t be ready in time. The organ at our church is truly magnificent, and if it wasn’t going to be played, it would be a big shame and I would be really disappointed. (Not to mention that I would be hard pressed to find decent available musicians less than two months before the wedding.) My parents went to the Sunday service the next day and talked to the organist. He said they were going to phase the organ back in, and we shouldn’t worry because it should be completed before the wedding. Phew!

What else? Well, we had a bit of a disaster with coordinators. A friend from high school was going to do it, but once I got back from Germany, she stopped answering her phone. To this day, I haven’t heard from her and don’t know what happened. The planner we have now is great. I used to work with her in high school, and I babysat her grandson back then as well. Good stuff.

A week before my bridal portrait, I got pink eye. That was the first time I had ever had it. Gross. I think I got it, because I was wearing old contacts and I also had mascara or eye liner (not sure which) on my contact for a day and didn’t know it was there until it started bothering me around 9 pm. Two days later, I had pink eye. (FYI it’s not always caught from someone else. According to the research I did online when I found out I had it, it can originate just as an infection.) Luckily, with the help of medicated eye drops, it cleared up 2-3 days before my portraits were taken.

Ok so if you’ve made it this far, let me tell you…I saved the biggest two for the end.

My dress finally arrived in mid April, and it seems that it was a bit smaller than the same size dress had been in the boutique. I’d like to think that rather than I enjoyed too many margaritas and chips and queso. My mom was a bit worried that I wasn’t going to be able to fit into the dress, so around 12:30 the night before we were going to meet with the seamstress, my mom asked me to try on the dress one more time. I tried it on and the zipper got off track and completely broke. We couldn’t get it up or down, and it was stuck at the narrowest part of my waist. I couldn’t pull the dress up or down…I was stuck!!! I was stuck in it for probably a good 10 minutes or so before my mom finally just ripped the zipper apart to give me some room to get the dress off. I was a little worried I would have to sleep sitting up in my dress and keep it on until we went to the seamstress!! That would not have been fun. I wasn’t worried about the dress, though, because I knew the lady could fix it, and she did. She put in a more durable zipper, and actually by the time that was done, the dress is now a little loose in the waist! I think it will be a perfect fit the day of the wedding, though. :o)

And now, for the biggest wedding mishap of all…The VERY FIRST thing I did in terms of planning this wedding was to book the photographer. Having majored in photojournalism and worked for wedding photographers for the past two years, I am very particular about photography. I booked an acquaintance of mine, Brett Buchanan, who used to work for the Austin Business Journal and was just starting out in the wedding photography business. I was happy with his work but started to become worried when his professional blog ceased to be updated in mid February. Usually, if someone has a professional blog, they will keep it updated to show they are getting work and to show the product they are turning out. My fears were realized on May 2nd when I got an email from him saying he was backing out of the contract. Apparently he had an “emergency location shoot” come up for 3 weeks and May 31st fell in the middle of it. Hmm…so apparently his prior commitment to my parents, John and me meant nothing. Twenty-nine days before the wedding, I lost my wedding photographer. TWENTY-NINE! Not to mention he didn’t have the guts to call and tell me…he had to send me an email! Thankfully, I didn’t cry, and I went into hyper-focused adrenaline-fused mode and just started calling my contacts in the industry. I knew they would be booked (Ashley was booked back in September or October), but I figured they could give me references for other photographers. After calling around through their networks, I found Lisa Woods of Now and Then Photography. Also, check out her blog. I am so thankful that she rearranged her day to accommodate us!

Well folks, despite all these crazy happenings, there is so much good going on, and I cannot wait to share it with our family and close friends on May 31st. We wish everyone could be there but know that can’t be a reality. We love you all and thank you for all your support.


  1. zippers are tricky little things. im glad that it all worked out and you got it fixed and will be superly (is that a word?im making it a word!) amazing in a few days..aka the wedding!

  2. I can’t believe you’re getting married in a week! I hope it is fantastic and I want to see pictures and hear all about it (after the honeymoon, of course).

    I’m sure that even though you’ve had all these kinks in the plans it will still go off beautifully.

  3. you’re married!!!!!

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