A Different Kind of Post.

I know that we normally use this blog to keep everyone updated on what’s going on in our lives, but I wanted to Share something else with everyone…

I just read an entry on an old friends blog that really knocked the breath out of me. All too often we worry about what is going to happen in the future. For Sarah and me this means concern about deployment, where I will be stationed, what will happen after I get out of the Army, what kinds of careers we will go into, what kind of house we will have, where we will live, and all of the other things that go along with the uncertainty of being in the Army. I get so caught up in what might happen in the future that I sometimes forget to faithful to where God has me at this moment. I think that it’s too easy to forget that God has a plan for me in my present situation. God has a plan for Sarah and me, and it involves where we are currently. Even if where we are is not our “dream” or “calling”, we are where we are for some purpose.
I think our lives should be a blank slate for God to write on. We need to be okay with whatever he wishes, because our plans may not be his.
I always hated the story of Job. I always thought it was because God didn’t act the way that I wanted him to. I felt like God gave Job the short end of the stick. I realize now that I didn’t like the story because I didn’t like the way that Job responded. I wanted Job to do something about his situation! I wanted him to either curse God and die, like his friends (or was it his wife?) suggested, or take some action to fix his situation. I didn’t like (and still struggle with) the idea of honoring God in the times he allows us to suffer. Its hard to see past our problems and see that God has a purpose for our suffering, our happiness, our boredom, and all the other moments of our life. Job lived in the present. He accepted his suffering as part of God’s will. Who am I to question God’s sovereignty? It is our job to honor the situation we are in, and follow God’s will the best we can.
So all of you who might read this, take a moment today to think about why God has you in your current situation. What you have to learn and how you can grow and be faithful to where you currently are. I sure am.

One Comment

  1. wow, seriouly, I just needed this post. I have been struggling so much lately. (Read my post on my blog called unhappy) and sometimes I’m not sure how I’m financially going make it. I’m so worried about my future. How am I ever going to get married, have a place to live..etc ect etc. But I’m sure God will provide and I need to trust Him more & more & more.

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