Julia’s 1st Birthday!

Sorry we have done such a poor job of updating this lately. Not much has changed, so I have not had much to say.

This past Saturday, my parents and I got to go to our reception venue and see it all set up for a wedding. It definitely gave me butterflies! I was really pleased with how the place looked all decked out for a wedding, and I know it will look wonderful on our day.

John will be here in two weeks for a few days, which will be very nice, but I know it will go by too fast. We have a lot to do including selecting a tux and choosing our menu/sampling the food (yum!).

Last weekend I went to San Antonio (as is the norm these days) for Julia’s first birthday. I’ll end with pictures from her birthday and her party. Enjoy!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.550497&w=425&h=350&fv=host%3Dpicasaweb.google.com%26noautoplay%3D1%26RGB%3D0x000000%26feed%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpicasaweb.google.com%252Fdata%252Ffeed%252Fapi%252Fuser%252Fsarahcaroline%252Falbumid%252F5171881205616605345%253Fkind%253Dphoto%2526alt%253Drss%2526authkey%253Dw-5_pS6bYy0]


  1. Those are so cute and fun Sarah!!

  2. they are sooooo cute!!
    and that cake looks pretty darn tasty!!

  3. To “Free”

    Thanks, but who are you?

  4. Wow! Julia is your older brother’s daughter right (Jimmy?)

    She looks so much like him!

  5. when i first say “julia”…i thought you were talking about julia shinn !!! but then i figured it was your niece since j-shinn obviously has celebrated more bdays! lol


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