Schwetzingen Weihnachtsmarkt

Finishing up my post about last weekend, I have a number of photos of the Schwetzingen Weihnactsmarkt to share. Just so you all understand, Schwetzingen is the small town we are nearest to, and Heidelberg, the other city Christmas market we went to, is about 10 minutes away.

Schwetzingen has an outdoor ice skating rink across from its market, so that’s where these first several photos are from. The skating rink is also where John and I first tried glΓΌwein. It’s fun to people-watch there, because either the skaters are really good or they’re just plain bad (like I would be), and eventually, those with less talent or practice will fall. On warmer days, like the day we were there this time, the ice was exceptionally slippery, because it was melting.

The rest of the photos were taken at a small concert at the Christmas market. Even though we were pretty cold (even considering the warmer weather), we decided to stay and watch a children’s choir from a local church perform. We weren’t familiar with most of the songs they sang – they must have been primarily traditional German Christmas songs. They sang one about the Christmas bakery (all in German) that is still in our heads.

The last of the photos were taken looking down the street on our walk back to the car. I had so many photos, that I decided to make a slideshow for this whole post instead of posting individually. Enjoy, and don’t miss the video posted just below the slide show!!

I had to include this, too. It’s a video (1 minute, 17 seconds long) of the very beginning of the children’s concert. You can hear some German!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.550535&w=425&h=350&]


  1. wow the pictures/views are beautiful!

  2. I loved hearing the kids sing!

  3. I enjoyed reading your posts and seeing the pics! So good to read you have an AWESOME time in Germany. Sad that you guys can’t make it to Cologne but oh well…if you’re going to move to Brussels, well that will do;-) You guys should come up to Amsterdam at some point;-) Or otherwise I’ll just go to Texas, I would love to go to Texas sometime..hopefully soon. Love the Texas shirts πŸ˜‰
    So how have you been? Have you turned into a German already?? (seeing all the beer, LOL..;-))

    Sorry for being lazy with responding but had an amazing busy time. Passion is going on a worldtour next year and I went to the vision &discusion meeting in London. They are coming to London on june 5th. very excited. Also started on a new job. I now work for national tv. Which is nice πŸ˜‰

    When are you going home?? have a blessed christmas!!

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