Going to the Board

John was selected to go to the Soldier of the Month Board, where soldiers must prepare a biography, a speech and answer questions on various Army-related topics. The soldiers are graded on all of these things plus their personal appearance (they wear their Class A uniforms to the board). For the past several days, I helped John study and prepare for the Board. He went before the Board yesterday morning, and he won! He is Soldier of the Month, which is pretty cool. He will have to go before the Board again when he gets back from his training in February for the Soldier of the Quarter Board. Anyway, I just wanted to post about that, because I’m really proud of him.

The other, completely unrelated story I have to tell today is about German food. I should have posted it in my previous entry, but I forgot. A week or two ago, John and I were coming back to the barracks, and as we drove on post, we got pulled over for an inspection. The German guard doing the inspection sparked up a conversation with us about food. We informed him that German food is not good, and he appeared to be rather shocked. He said there are lots of great places to eat like Brauhaus. John asked what kind of food is good to eat at Brauhaus, and the guard said “pig parts.” Ew. How could he think “pig parts” are good food?! This is why we do not like German food. Pig parts should not be a part of every day’s meal. He also let us know that he thinks Americans eat only fast food. John and I agree that most Germans (and probably Europeans in general) think Americans only really like fast food.

We have a theory about how this idea came about. If most Americans traveling in Germany are like John and me, they frequent McDonald’s and Burger King, because the rest of the food is overpriced and not very good. Germans take note at the number of Americans at these establishments versus other restaurants and conclude that Americans only eat fast food. That’s just our theory, of course.

One last thing. I’m sorry for all the typos in my last entry. I think I should have John read them over before I publish them…I’m always embarrassed by the silly errors I make. Oops!


  1. What you talking about Willis… I find pig knuckles absolute delish and simply yum-o 😛

  2. Pork chops, bacon, ham, sausage; these are all pig parts. It’s probably what he meant.

  3. Well yes, of course, but #1 – putting it that way does not make it sound tasty and #2 – I’m not really a big fan of “pig parts.”

  4. Congratulations John! That is so cool. (And way to go Sarah for being a great tutor – oh yeah, and who cares about typos).
    Also, I think you’re right on with your food theory. So I’ll try to eat some good food on your behalf over the holidays. In the meantime enjoy the “pig parts”.

  5. haha, I must agree, that’s the overall thought of Europeans;-)That thought is based on tv…

    I don’t think German food is that bad and expensive. It’s quite cheap though..compared to the rest of Europe. France is VERY expensive!! And Dutch people know, cause we are cheap! 😉

    But the Euro rate is so high at this moment so that sucks for you guys! German food is mostly meat.

    Schnitzel is really good, so get that!! Or try to look up an Italian restaurant, they have amazing Italian restaurants there. Everything with pasta is really good. But I love schnitzel or sauerkraut with a sausages.

  6. Oh & Congrats to John!!! Awesome!

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