Bon Voyage!

John and I are heading to the train station in a little over three hours to board a train bound for Paris! We are staying about 5 km from the Eiffel Tower and very close (I think 400 m or so) from a metro stop. Hopefully transportation will be fairly easy.

We went to the PX earlier today and I bought a French phrasebook to refresh me on my français. I also had to get another pair of gloves, because the ones I got from J. Crew JUST before I came here already have a big ol’ hole in the thumb. :o(

While we were at the PX, I cashed in the gift card John gave me to buy a purse. I got a nice little tan Coach purse. I can’t wait to show it off.

Oh my goodness…John and I are packing right now, and we just found the red scarf I’ve been missing for just about 2 months now. My mom just found me one to replace it…figures!

Before I go, here are some pictures from our walk around the Heidelberg Schloss and more from the Heidelberg Weihnactsmarkt.

We’ll be back midday on the 1st with plenty of pictures and stories. Happy 2008!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.550531&w=425&h=350&]


  1. I hope you are doing well in Paris! Sorry I’ve been out of communications lately. Work and life has been crazy. Glad to hear you are liking Germany! 🙂

  2. Pingback: The Weihnachtsmarkts are Back! « SoJo Life

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