Just Add Water

I just noticed that the tissues in our office a rather sparkly. Upon further examination, they have itty bitty glitter in the fibers. If you wipe the tissues on your skin, you wind up with some of the glitter on your skin. Has anyone else ever noticed this before? (It’s a Kleenex brand box.)

My life is so exciting that I noticed things like that. Equally as exciting is my new commitment to water. Recently, I’ve been feeling perpetually hung over, and I haven’t been drinking. I basically had a headache for 7 days straight, which was coupled with nausea. Two days ago, I started carrying my nalgene with me to work instead of my coffee thermos. Tuesday, I had about twelve 8-oz glasses of water. Yesterday, I had a bit more, and today, I’m already on glass 10. I feel a noticeable difference, and I weighed myself this morning – surprisingly, I’m 4 pounds lighter than last week. Go H20!

So that’s the extent of my exciting life at the moment. Actually, I take that back. I am taking tomorrow off, which is thrilling to me. We (Morgan & Audrey — our guests, John and I) will be taking the train down to Baden-Baden for the day. Hurray mini vacation!


  1. Nausea, headache, and thirst?? I think a pregnancy test may be in order! 🙂

    Sparkly tissues is a very dumb idea.

    • Oops! I forgot to reply to these comments!

      I laughed when I read this. I hadn’t even thought of that, but no, it’s very unlikely that I’m pregnant. 🙂

  2. yay for little getaways and for extra water that results in weight loss. whoo hoo!!
    hope you have a fun little vacation!

  3. hope you had a fun weekend. as for my nikon, it does not focus and makes this weird trying to focus sound. i’m taking it to the camera doctor today to see if there’s something they can do to fix it. it could just be the lens mechanism. what i know about cameras would fit on the head of a pin. sad, but true.
    so glad you’re seeing glimmers of spring. i might need new contacts, but i swear i see snowflakes in the sky.
    oh well, we’ll be crying for cooler temperatures in two months. so it’s all good, i suppose.

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