Baden-Baden: Casinos, Baths and Horse Racing

The Thursday before Labor Day weekend, John and I decided to head to Baden-Baden for the weekend. John had Friday off as well as Monday, so we decided to leave in the morning.

We spent the weekend in a hotel without a television or alarm clock and it was great. We had long days outside spent shopping and just wandering around and usually had an event planned each day. We spent one day just shopping. On another, we had a nice dinner at the casino and then tried our (unlucky) hand at roulette and the slot machines. One of the other days, we went to the Roman-style baths and enjoyed relaxing in different temperature waters and saunas.

On Sunday we went to the horse races at Iffezheim. Iffezheim has had a race rack there for 150 years, and the town is all about horse racing. Neither John nor I had ever been to a horse race, so it was challenging but fun to figure out how to bet (just 2 Euro bets) on the horses when everything was in German.At the end of the day, we had another night scheduled at the hotel but decided to come home instead. We spent Monday relaxing before John had to get back to work on Tuesday. Enjoy the photos and videos we have included.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.690547&w=425&h=350&]

Video of our view and room:


Video of church bells on Sunday morning:


Video of the horse races at Iffezheim:



  1. I love the new picture for the heading of your blog! It is so representative of the joy of that specail day!!

  2. That is a beautiful hotel!

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